Step 1. Melting in the foundry metal pellets: (steel - silver or gold 14 or 18kt) in furnace internal temperatures exceeding 2200°.
Step 2. Pouring exact quantity of pellet weight into hot furnace to obtain the 1st stage of molten metal.
Step 3. Second melting stage at higher temperature for a very compact metal once cooled off.
Step 3. Getting ready to transfer molten metal in container to the die cast
Step 4. Pouring molten metal (gold in this instance) into die cast
Step 5. Ensuring all air is out and golf filling every space through vibration process
Step 6. Pouring standard quantity (from left to right) of molten steel, silver and gold. In reality this doesn't happen. Our factory separates the floors of productions of each metal to ensure quality and purity of the metal to avoid mix ups.
Step 7. Raw output of metal before polishing and buffing process.
Step 8. Final output of metalworks after quality control prior to be sent to the tying department.