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FREE worldwide shipping - Request a destination or a custom design!
Best-selling destinations and symbols around the world.
Customer testimonial
While cruising in the Caribbean, I bought four DENIZEN bracelets of Key West, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, and Cozumel. I can't think of coming across better souvenirs to cherish these precious memories. I will be looking for more on my next trip!
Anna B. - Dallas, TX
Customer testimonial
I bought 5 matching bracelets for each member of my family at my favorite golf club in Martha's Vineyard. Back home in Baltimore, our friends now call us "the Vineyard Clan"!
Larry S. - Baltimore, MD
Customer testimonial
A year after our wedding in Aruba, my now husband surprised me with a stunning 14K-gold DENIZEN bracelet filled with shiny stones to commemorate where I said "I DO". It is never leaving my wrist!
Jennifer P. - Falmouth, Cape Cod, MA
Customer testimonial
I was born and raised in Manhassett, NY. Today, I live in Hawaii but home remained very special to my heart. My wife bought me the DENIZEN of Long Island. I am not a jewelry person but the bracelet of my home town is the exception.
Samuel A. - Oahu, HI
Customer testimonial
I am a serial expat and I have a DENIZEN bracelet for every country I lived in. And the nice thing is from collecting 6, they gift you a sampling box!
Eve B. - Hong Hong
Customer testimonial
DENIZEN is the go-to gift! Everyone has a place close to their heart and you are certain that they will love it! Especially if you request a custom engraving.
Nicole R. - Paris, France
Customer testimonial
I am so proud of my African heritage. Wearing the Africa bracelet is a way to keep it close to me at all times even though I live on another continent.
Imani D. - Québec City, Canada